My visit and worship at the River Church of Revival Ministries International was all that their website said it would be and more! Dynamic praise and worship; anointed preaching; teaching of the Word; and powerful demonstrations of the Holy Spirit and Power! Pastor Rodney was surely ‘totally dependent upon The Holy Spirit for His leading and guidance’ as he gave a powerful sermon of Matthew Chapter 25—Parable of the Talents!
From a parking lot so designated by signs with the names of the various countries of our world into a sanctuary with the flags of many countries this visit had an international flavor for sure so fitting as we are spiritually first all ‘children of the world.’ Pastor Rodney and his wife Pastor Adonica Howard Browne are from South Africa and starting in the 1980s, have built from the ground up a diverse and growing congregation.
The opening five songs lasted 30 minutes and indeed with the reprise of “You are My Everything” after Pastor Rodney invoked the Spirit of the Lord through Apostle Paul… I indeed felt the presence of The Holy Spirit as I have never felt before! “You are a spirit… renew, revive, and transform… Thank you for your presence.” There was crying and folks I think speaking in tongues which I never witnessed before. A beautiful and overwhelming display of joy!

Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne. Photo Credit: Google Search.
The Main Event, as they refer to the sermon, was indeed simple and uncomplicated as a spirited life can be in Jesus. The natural to the supernatural. March Madness becomes March Gladness indeed! “Don’t worry what other people are thinking because many people do not think. That is the problem”
The ‘Fire of God’ was shared with nearly 1,000 folks saved at last night’s Clearwater Crusade, another recent crusade in North Dakota, stories of victories given from talents given a year ago, and a couple planting a church in Bradenton.
Matthew 25:29: “For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away.”
Multiplying the talents that we are given. Don’t just bury the talents given in the ground.
The Supernatural increases Multiplication… people coming down here to re-tire, get re-fired up!
The Devil has no car to get around, the Devil can only walk unless the only car he has is you!
The talents, the abilities, that you are born with are unique to you alone. Do not compare, do what God tells you to do! Do not do what most people do—do not hide your talents!
The earth, our lives are a testing ground for all eternity! Don’t be the one at the end to ask ‘Could I have done more?’
Blame others? No, look in the mirror! Why spend money to impress people that you do not like?
Matthew 25:23: “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.’”
God’s Blessing and Safe travels to Pastor Rodney and all who are journey with him on the ‘Europe Ablaze’ Ministry of 42 cities in about three weeks’ time!
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