Beautiful view, more beautiful experience being in Jerusalem where Jesus Christ changed the world!
Biblical Moment No. 7 of Andy’s Spiritual Journey to Israel & Palestine:
2 Chronicles 6:6: “Yet I have chosen Jerusalem, that My name may be there, and I have chosen David to be over My people Israel.”
From the Mount of Olives overlooking the Old City… which contains the Western Wall (Judaism)… Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Christianity)… and the Dome of the Rock (Islam)… all three faiths plus more religions and 40,000 residents living in respect, harmony, & peace for the most part!
If Jerusalem can do it, why can’t the world?
Comment Highlights:
Diane Mogannam Straetker: I’m smiling!!!
Heidi Moya: So awesome! I’ve been there and it was a wonderful experience that I will never forgforget ❤️?❤️
Jason LeBlanc: Awesome experience!
Jane Berg: An area rich in history. Enjoy immensely.
Donna Papas Simons: Merry Christmas Andy, I hope your trip fills you with joy, peace and hope.
Barbara Helfer: Safe journey. Best wishes for a joyous holiday season and coming new year.
Genie Brady: Awesome pictures.
Katherine Deen Way: So cool! Where are you spending Christmas? Bethlehem?
Andy Reistetter: You called it Katherine Deen Way! Have a ticket for Midnight Mass at the Church of the Nativity! Celebrating Jesus’ birth where Jesus was born! How good is that? TROML Baby! Merry Christmas!
Katherine Deen Way: Andy Reistetter wow, that is so exciting! I wished I would have been there with you! Merry Christmas! ?
Andy Reistetter: Katherine Deen Way It really was quite spectacular. St. Catherine’s Church is attached to The Church of the Nativity & the Baby Jesus in the final procession was placed in the grotto below the Nativity altar just like when Baby Jesus appeared in our world!
Al-le-lu-ia!!! Merry Christmas!
Edward Duffy: Very cool Andy. A place that I’ve always wanted to visit.
Dennis Berkholtz: More posts please!
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