From a Facebook Post on November 1, 2017:
Does hearing on the news that terrorists are “inspired” to do these evil things impact you like it does me? Last night Pete Williams on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt said “and a big question was he in touch with terror groups directly or was he simply inspired,” It’s time to hold major broadcasters like NBC News accountable for how they report the news. What next, a feature on a terrorist on their “inspiring America” segment? This is evil, not inspiration and it needs to be stated as such. NBC News, Lester Holt, Pete Williams, and other journalists, please STOP using the word “inspire” when referencing terrorists and their evil acts. If you would like to see NBC News broadcast a correction, apology, and clarification please share this post and email NBC News directly at
No Human Being Can Be “Inspired” To Do Evil.
Arne/Norway: What word would you use, then, Andy? People can be “inspired” in so many ways…
Andy/USA: Good question Arne! Opposite of “inspire,” in terms of performing a cowardly, misguided, & evil act of terror? Omit any reference to being “inspired,” as a human being cannot be “inspired” to do evil no matter what any religious text states. That was then and now is now, everyone’s opportunity for peace, joy, unity, & freedom both inwardly & outwardly in the world. In this specific case I would have reported it as “and a big question was he in touch with terror groups directly or did this cowardly, selfish, & demonic individual act alone?”
Arne/Norway: Thus, you would only use “inspired” in a positive setting? Could “influenced” be an option in this instance? As he obviously got the idea for this heinous act from similar attacks here in Europe – carried out by cowards abusing a religion…
Andy/USA: Yes, only use “inspired” in a positive sense! Good with “influenced” as long as it is not tied to God. You brought up a good point, when & where did all this modern terrorism start? As an American it felt like September 11th & all the prior attempts at the WTC. That is dear & personal to me for a lot of reasons. But sure there are other perspectives?
September 11th Memorial, Mom & Me…
Arne/Norway: But should one really respect religion when choosing your words as a journalist? These jihadists are “inspired” and honestly believe they to do God’s will as instructed by Mohammed. One of the Hadiths used to explain their love, “inspiration” and protection of the Prophet, is Sahih al-Bukhari Vol.1, Book 2, Hadith 15; The Prophet said “None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind.” In extreme; protect the Prophet’s name at all cost … Quite the “inspiration”…
Andy/USA: Of course one should respect all religions & spirituality when doing one’s job whether a journalist or a bricklayer. I only extract inspiration from the past & live in today for a bright peaceful, joyous, united, & free future for all human beings worldwide. Anything else, in my opinion, is someone more focused on self, ego, power & greed. There are many meaningless, inapplicable references in most religious texts. Extract the inspiration & find one’s Splendid Spiritual Self no matter what religion you profess is my chosen way of life! We can overcome centuries of hatred but need to start with self, family, community, nation, then world. Yes, we have made progress yet have a long way to go in a short period of time for each of us! Again, I don’t think one can be “inspired” when doing evil things… obviously in the chains of denial, justification, & rationalization. Thanks for sharing!
Arne/Norway: Religious or not – I think most people agree with you in principle on this good philosophy, Andy. My point here though is that religion is being abused to inspire other purposes…
Andy/USA: I agree with you Arne too! The spirituality part of religion is good but once it goes beyond unity, love, compassion, peace, joy, & freedom of people, especially those with different beliefs, it gets murky pretty fast. Attract me to your religion, no need to promote it as I can see what it is doing for you! We don’t choose our family of origins, time or place of our birth. We could have easily been born a half world away in totally different circumstances. I think the Splendid Spiritual Self is the coming next-generation religion. For me as a Christian it makes sense… Old Testament was our covenant with God, New Testament our covenant with Jesus Christ, then emerges a Third Testament based primarily on The Holy Spirit where we see ourselves as spiritual beings first, then human beings second. With that perspective the world looks a little different… TROML Baby!
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