How can I be fulfilled for The Rest Of My Life?
Reading the Bible with a TROML Perspective…

Reading the Bible to find your SSS…
Happy Easter Everyone! It has been a difficult Lenten Season for me as I felt surrounded by death, in reality and spiritually, even though there were joyous moments too! Today the Lord has risen and I feel inspired to start a new life as completely as possible as my Splendid Spiritual Self, TROML-style! I will […]
Sources of Inspiration

My Brother-in-Love Bill—The Dairy Farmer and the Man with the Biggest Heart Ever!
My sister Chris married Bill in 1972 when I was 13 years old. I think so as it is hard to know dates when you are the youngest of six and can always rely on five other family members to set you straight. It was a college love-at-first sight; get married; honeymoon in Amsterdam and […]
From the TROML Journals

Realization from my Lenten Meditations: I am a Dismal Failure; I need God to Survive Here & Eternally!!!
Realization from my Lenten Meditations: I am a Dismal Failure; I need God to Survive Here & Eternally!!! Lenten Daily Meditations “Renew within me a Right Spirit.”—Psalm 51:12 Celebrating the “Spiritual Season!” Forty-Six (47) Days from Ash Wednesday to Easter… Realize Lent is over on Palm Sunday; it is now Holy Week)… Forty Nights between […]
At the Beach

Buddy & I at the Beach… Checking Out the Sunset Over the Atlantic Ocean!
So my Buddy says let’s go to the beach and watch the sunset… I tell him that we are on the East Coast of Florida and that the sun does not set over the Atlantic Ocean. He says don’t worry I’ll make it work out; we’ll enjoy the beach and the sunset. Wow, he was […]

Introducing Ragda & her Meditation of Senseless Senses…
“I have experienced numerous Ragda McAfee’s yoga sessions and found them to be meditative in design and style so I was excited to see where her meditation session would take me,” was my thought when I was invited to an Earth Day-Full Moon Evening Retreat featuring Ayurveda, yoga, and Ragda’s meditation gathering. I participated in […]