Yoga takes me to an Inspirational and Spiritual Thought-Life…

1 harsh critical inner voiceHad one of those days today, one of those days were you get connected to something much bigger than our own selves, something that takes us beyond what seems to be and beyond our mere existence of relatively short duration, yet an enduring and endearing presence that we are so blessed and grateful to have in life…

I woke up after a restful sleep that restored my body. But my mind was active upon awakening and there was a presence and overtones of a harsh, critical voice rattling around in my head. I am thankful for the awareness and recognition of its presence, even in muted tones and volume. If we see it we can silence it which is one of my ongoing goals in life—to live a spiritual life with an inspiration thought-life.

2 Yoga WomanI went to where I do yoga. It was Yogi—ess’ day (my designation for a female Yogi). Yogi does the other days. I am inspired by both Yogi—ess’ & Yogi’s classes, for me they complement each other quite well. So well I wouldn’t want to do yoga exclusively with one or the other.

Yogi—ess, in her beautiful way, centers us bringing us to be fully present in our yoga. With hands to our heart in a prayerful position she asks us to state an intention for today’s practice, today’s life, which is really all we have.

“Let your breath be louder than your mind,” connects me to where I need to be—out of my mind and into my soul, into my spirit…

3 waves“Breath in and out with the steady rhythm of the waves of the ocean (coming ashore),” she continues as it seems I leave the room in which I had come. “Exhale that which does not serve you,” she confidently urges and the tethered line to our reality in life seems to slip through the turnbuckles holding us down. It’s a healthy disassociation from reality for me that comes along with the silencing of that harsh critical voice that tried to penetrate my mind upon awakening.

“I live my life of love” we all say calmly and with spirited determination as our right hand crosses over to rest upon our heart… “I live my life without fear” as we realize the possibilities of a spirited life and we cross our left hand over to cover our stomach which can be home to our fears in life.

4 DreamYes, I surrender to the Divine Light within me, I let go of any need, want or desire to be perfect, to control, to think in all-or-nothing terms and to be judgemental, especially of myself. There is no need for the harsh, critical voice in my head. It goes out with my breath and I choose to not let it return as I inhale the beauty, the energy and the inspiration of the Spirit Above.

I surrender to something larger than my own self. There is more to our earthly existence, much more, here and beyond what seems to be. If I am depressed and hopeless about the rest of today or “the rest of my life,” then I am not looking far enough ahead. There is light, there is hope always, absolutely, positively, without a doubt. If I can’t see it, feel it or connect to its power it is by my choice. It is always there if I am humble, honest and willing…

5 dreams“Allow the mind chatter, the monkey mind, detach from it, breathe, let your breath be louder (and more powerful) than your mind, exhale that which does not serve you, exhale those useless thoughts and inhale the energy of your breath, give yourself this peace, the more you practice to go there, the easier it is to be there, journey to the center stillness, let it become automatic, our minds cause the suffering, pain is just a stimulus, our mind creates the (fearful) story (that causes us the pain), access the space, feel the inner peace, come here more often, not just at yoga practice…”

6 divine light yogaAnd there you have the magic of what seemed like a 5-minute Yogi—ess yoga session…

I can’t remember the pose but I did leave experiencing a fearless life of love and the freedom of my yoga practice today.

Today I will live this day fully, I will be and live a spiritual life with an inspirational thought-life…


Have a TROML Day today!

Your Personal Revivalist,

Anonymous Andy

_Hand w PR Business Card


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