I have yet to Solve the Mystery of My Self…

2 PealeI grew up reading the Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. Advertised as a practical guide to mastering the problems of everyday living, this book written in 1952, was a complementary addition to his previously published Guide to Confident Living. This book was my first endeavor to looking within to solve the mystery of my self, something that is always ongoing for me, never to be mastered.

Never to be mastered by me but maybe it is for you? Of course the challenge is to get to the essence of our life, that which is buried beneath our rationalizations, our justifications, our dishonesty (imagine that) and of course our egos. Plus throw in the subconscious and conscious levels of awareness and our dynamic, elusive True Self and Eternal Child Within becomes a lifelong pursuit. If we are lucky and haven’t taken an early exit in life to a place of numbness, circular logic and limited living.

3 detourSometimes it seems we are always on detours in our life. Detours triggered by the realities in life for some of us, nearly all of us, definitely all of us at one time or another—death of a loved one, job loss, divorce, addiction in one of a hundred forms, and ultimately our decline and death—the ultimate detour in life. But if you are looking at it as a sort of dead end or a depressing consequence of life, you are not looking far enough ahead in our pursuit of eternity.

5 free broken chainsDetours are tough and can be fatal to the peace, joy and freedom of life. Imagine the days before cell phones and GPS and being in an area which you are not familiar with. Although you know you are on the right road traveling through one section of your life, one of those detours pops up and forces you into the unknown. Follow the detour signs and eventually you return to the main road of your life. But life is complicated and some combination of factors, some within your control, some not cause you to miss one of the turn here detour signs. You may not even realize it or you may and think ardently and arguably that you are still on the right path in life for you. Good luck finding your way back. Some do, some never do.

Solving the mystery of our selves is a lifelong pursuit and then some.

4 mysteryIf you think you have solved the mystery of yourself, think again. The moment we arrive in life it is time to leave. That’s the true essence of life in that it is really only in being and living in the present moment no matter what the circumstances of our lives are.

Connect our mind, body and spirit. Be emotionally intelligent. Mind over body. The power of positive thinking—to survive one’s childhood, one’s forced detours, one’s ego. The challenge of the mind the biggest and longest distance to overcome is that six inches between our ears. So they say and we sometimes concur.

6 heart is peace of mindBut seeing beyond that isn’t the biggest challenge in our lives navigating the road between our mind and our heart? Both ways. The love, charity and youthful ways of our childhood growth are innate, are they not? The intelligence of the world and self-knowledge of ourselves we accumulate as adults, do they make their way to our hearts. Has our spirit emerged from our mind, emotions, body and soul and become us in a living way?

Have we let that spirit, our unique spirit, dictate our life’s journey?

Or are we still on some sort of detour in our life with only a vague feeling that we may be in denial of the truth and essence of our life and with that denial comes an internal self-imposed denial of a full life?

I have yet to solve the mystery of myself.

7 mysteryI hope that I am still trying to figure it out on my last day of earthly existence for then I know the peace, joy and freedom in my life is still expanding to fill this universe of life we find ourselves.

Let’s go beyond the mind, body and emotions and live a rich and rewarding spiritual life for while on a spiritual journey in life there are no detours, only the right road for us to travel through to where we are going.

Have a TROML Day today.

Your Personal Revivalist,

Anonymous Andy

_Hand w PR Business Card

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