TROML Realization: Release That Which Does Not Serve GOD…
Because what does not serve GOD cannot serve YOU!!!
An intertwined TROML Realization and TROML Spiritual Breakthrough!
The TROML Spiritual Breakthrough being the “SSS Dashboard!”

The SSS Schematic as normally seen when creating it and writing in your TROML Journal.
The Splendid Spiritual Self Schematic is powerful enough with its “One-Way Inner Boundaries” but invert it (turn TROML Journal around 180 degrees) and use it as an “SSS Dashboard” for living!
TROML Baby (an exclamation of JOY)!!!
BE your Splendid Spiritual Self; BE in your Splendid Spiritual Self mode of living; BE in your Splendid Spiritual Self vehicle journeying through life AND use your inverted SSS Schematic; your SSS dashboard as a navigation device!

Turn TROML Journal upside-down to see the SSS Dashboard!
TROML Baby, for the rest of your life!!!
Spiritually-guided, stress-free, worldly-meaningful “ONE-WAY LIVING!!!”
How will my inside-out, spiritually based output be shared with other?

TROML Review in red…. God’s Love Reigns Down Upon All My Life… let’s save that for another day!
Left-to-right, in an inverted sense (never perverted)—through my BODY? Physical movement? Through my SPEECH? Something I say, or write, or text? Through my EMOTIONS? Automatically generated by God or artificially made by worldly artificial interactions like movies, printed material, or the news? Always filtered for followup action (non-reaction) by my Splendid Spiritual Self. ALWAYS! Through my MIND— via God-given intelligence, creativity or inspirational thoughts?
The SSS Dashboard can evolve to a subconscious endeavor to continuously identify and flush out from the Splendid Spiritual Self those things in life that do not serve GOD or YOU!
TROML Baby!!!
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