Day 4: Worship at St. Anthony & St. Peter Churches in Jaffa and Little Prague in Bat Yam!

High on the hill overlooking the city of Tel-Aviv!

High on the hill overlooking the city of Tel-Aviv!

Day 4: St. Anthony & St. Peter Churches in Jaffa and Little Prague in Bat Yam!

Day 4 of Andy’s month-long ‘Spiritual Journey to Israel & Palestine!

A beautiful Sunday in Tel-Aviv celebrating mass at St. Anthony’s both in Arabic and English; in between masses I was asked by Linda to join her family, Father Augustine (who gave both masses and is from Mexico… that’s at least 3 fluent languages!) & others for coffee which turned out to be a sweet Mexican pineapple stew and deserts leftover from a Spanish Celebration the night before (lucky me!).

Lunch at the kosher IFRAM restaurant where I learned to love to say and eat 'falalfel!'

Lunch at the kosher IFRAM restaurant where I learned to love to say and eat ‘falalfel!’

I had lunch at the kosher IFRAM restaurant (falalfel), visited St. Peters Church and walked around Jaffa Port with its beautiful views of Tel-Aviv.

Later I joined Linda for dinner at Little Prague in Bat Yam… as expected the chicken cordon blue was delicious and the conversation fascinating! What a blessing to meet other Christians that have grown up on the opposite side of the world!

Enlightening dinner conversation with my new Arab Christian friend Linda at Little Prague.

Enlightening dinner conversation with my new Arab Christian friend Linda at Little Prague.

TROML Baby (an Exclamation of Joy & Gratitude)!!!

(Andy Reistetter; Facebook Post with 40 Pics; 12-31-18)

Comment Highlights:

April Ann:   Incredible what a journey!

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