Day 12: In Bethlehem to Celebrate the Birth of Jesus & Pay Homage as the Shepherds Did

Checkpoint 300 into Palestine at Bethlehem.
Day 12 was another big day in the Spiritual Journey to Israel & Palestine- December 24th! Christmas Eve! The genesis of this odyssey was to celebrate the birth of Jesus in the place that he was born—Bethlehem!
I repeated my steps from exactly a week ago—taking Bus 324 down Route 60 about three miles to Checkpoint 300 on the Palestine border. No hassle, no problem, really no interrogation going into Palestine. Everyone is quite friendly or if there is a language barrier quite smiley like me!
This time though instead of passing by the taxi-cab corral and walking the couple of miles to Nativity Square I decided to take a taxi. I would like to say I chose the cab driver but more accurately he chose me seemingly remembering me for the snub from a week ago.
Khalid was the manager and operator of Bethlehem Taxi Company. I am not sure if he owned the company or had other taxis and drivers but I knew he was the man of Bethlehem, maybe all of Palestine. He showed me copies of an Israel travel magazine featuring him and his company.
With an experience driver and tour guide like Khalid one simply could not be driven to their destination, at least not directly. I asked him what would be a good place to visit, somewhat nearby and related to the birth of Jesus. Without hesitation he said Shepherd’s Field. He was right as their role that sacred night and later along with the Magi is so biblical!

Shepherd’s Field—“Gloria in Excelsis Deo”—Latin for “Glory to God in the Highest”
Khalid waited whole I toured Shepherd’s Field and kindly took some pictures for me. I captured the experience in a Biblical Moment as I did the walk through Bethlehem the week prior. Along the way I stopped and read about Mary & Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem likely along the same path at the time. Bethlehem is somewhat mountainous and definitely hilly as the roads along ridge lines were strategically and safely located with no real alternatives unless you are a goat.

Khalid offering some Palestine pastries at Zuluf—The Olive Wood Factory! Very nice place to shop!
Before dropping me off at Nativity Square Khalid took us to a relative’s shop where they made crosses out of olive wood and sold all types of souvenirs and religious artifacts. Zuluf—The Olive Wood Factory was the name of the place and it was located just below Nativity Square within walking distance. I supported the Palestine economy the best I could!
Up to Nativity Square where the Christmas Celebration had already begun. There was a large brightly lighted Christmas Tree and groups on stage signing Christmas songs. I went back to the same cafe for a meal and to say hello to my friend Mahmoud.
As it turned out Lourdes at the Casa Nova Franciscan House for Pilgrims, the hotel attached to St. Catherine’s Church and the Church of the Nativity came through with a room and a ticket to Midnight Mass for me! I was born in Lourdes Hospital and knew the moment I met Lourdes that she had a big heart for a pilgrim like me! I did feel a bit guilty taking the room at the Inn since Mary & Joseph had no such luck a couple of millenniums before.
My spiritual dream was coming true! I went back down into the Grotto where Jesus was born. Then upstairs in the adjoining St. Catherine’s Church we celebrated the birth of Jesus at midnight mass. Another Biblical Moment captures that spiritual experience.

With Lourdes the lady that made it all happen for me on Christmas Eve in Bethlehem!
I stayed up to 3 AM celebrating the moment in Nativity Square after Midnight Mass. It was a peaceful gathering, not too large, not too small; not too festive, not too subdued. Like the whole day it was just right and spiritually meaningful.
Earlier I captured a video of a peaceful, joyful, & spiritual moment—at Nativity Square in Bethlehem, Palestine on Christmas Eve. Beyond the lighted Christmas Tree to the right is the Church of the Nativity beneath which is where the Grotto of the Nativity, the very place Jesus was born. To the left is the Mosque of Omar, Bethlehem’s only mosque. In between lies the Palestinian Peace Center across the square. The sounds of Christmas carols being sung as the loudspeakers echo a Muslim Muezzin for the Adhan, one of five daily calls to prayer. In the Old City of Jerusalem there are similar peaceful, joyful, & spiritual moments. An overwhelming sense of wishing peace and goodwill to all people and all nations in the upcoming New Year!
CLICK HERE to watch the VIDEO of the Celebration in Nativity Square on Christmas Eve!
An extraordinary spiritual Merry Christmas to you from Bethlehem! Celebrating Jesus’ birth where he was born! Visited Jesus’ birthplace beneath the altar of the Church of the Nativity! Dinner at The Square Restaurant now, festival, & Midnight Mass later!
(Andy Reistetter; Facebook Post with 1 Video; 12-24-18)
Wonderful & hopeful message and welcoming Mahmoud Abbas, the President of Palestine by the Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem! The restored mosaics in the Church of the Nativity are beautiful and so too can we and our countries be! Praying for peace, respect and full autonomy for the States of Israel and Palestine!
(Andy Reistetter; Facebook Post with 1 Video; 12-25-18)
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