Day 103: OT Second Kings C1-5; David Anointed to be King over Israel

This Second Book of Kings tells of King David’s reign. By many successful wars he consolidated his kingdom and made Jerusalem his capital. His serious sins endangered the kingdom; but after he had repented, he conquered his enemies.

David is finally made the King of Israel. Through all the ‘cat and mouse’ war games with Saul, David never killed the king while he had the chance to do so out of respect to the Lord who had appointed Saul.

Now the Philistines had done killed Saul yet not in an honorable way so David killed the killer. The Philistines also killed his dear friend Jonathan, Saul’s son.

David grieved and gave a eulogy for both Saul and Jonathan:

David: “Consider, O Israel, for them that are dead, wounded on thy high places… the arrow of Jonathan never turned back, and the sword of Saul did not return empty. Saul and Jonathan, lovely, and comely in their life, even in death they were not divided; they were swifter than eagles, stronger than lions… I grieve for thee, my brother Jonathan; exceedingly beautiful, and amiable to me above the love of women. As the mother loveth her only son, so did I love thee.”


David always consulted the Lord at turning points in his life:

David to the Lord: Shall I go up into one of the cities of Juda?

And the Lord said to him: “Go up.”

And David said: “Whither shall I go up?”

And the Lord answered him: “Into Hebron.”

And the men of Juda came, and anointed David there (in Hebron), to be king over the house of Juda.

And it was told David that the men of Jabes Galaad had buried Saul.

But Abner… general of Saul’s army, took Isboseth the son of Saul… and made him king over all Israel.

So David, an Israelite himself warred with other tribes in Israel:

And Abner and the servants of Isboseth the son of Saul… And Joab… and the servants of David went out, and met them by the pool of Gabaon…and Abner said to Joab: Let the young men rise, and play before us… twelve in number… And every one catching his fellow by the head, thrust his sword into the side of his adversary, and they fell down together… And there was a very fierce battle that day; and Abner was put to flight, with the men of Israel, by the servants of David.

And there were the three sons of Sarvia there, Joab, and Abisai, and Asael was a most swift runner… and Asael pursued after Abner… And Abner struck him with his spear with a back stroke in the groin, and thrust him through, and he died upon the spot.

Abner cried out to Joab: Shall thy sword rage unto utter destruction? Knowest thou not that it is dangerous to drive people to despair?

Then Joab sounded the trumpet, and all the army stood still, and did not pursue after Israel any farther, nor fight any more.

But the servants of David had killed of Benjamin, and one of the men that were with Abner, three hundred and sixty, who all died.

Now there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David: David prospering and growing always stronger and stronger, but the house of Saul decaying daily.

And six sons were born to David in Hebron—Amnon, Cheleah, Absalom, Adonias, Saphathia, and Jethraam.

A fight over a women split the non-David Israel. Abner no longer supported Isboseth, the king, and allied with David. But Abner was killed for revenge by some of David’s servants. David was quick to distance himself from the killing to the people of Israel. After two assassins killed King Isboseth, David killed them and then became King of Israel himself:

Isboseth to Abner: Why didst thou go in to my father’s concubine?

Abner: as the Lord hath sworn to David, so I do to him…

And Isboseth could not answer him a word, because he feared him.

Abner to David: Make a league with me, and my hand shall be with thee: and I will bring all Israel to thee.

The Joab going out from David, stabbed Abner there in the groin, and he died, in revenge of the blood of Asael his brother.

David: I, and my kingdom are innocent before the Lord for ever of the blood of Abner… but as men fall before the children of iniquity, so didst thou fall.

And all the people, and all Israel understood that day that it was not the king’s doing that Abner… was slain.

Rechad and Baana his brother stabbed Isboseth in the groin and fled away… they struck him and killed him: and taking away his head they went off by the way of the wilderness, walking all night.

But David answered the assassins: …when wicked men have slain an innocent man in his own house, upon his bed, shall I not require his blood at your hand, and take you away from the earth?

And David commanded his servants and slew them…

Isboseth the son of Saul was forty years old when he began to reign over Israel, and he reigned two years and only the house of Juda followed David.

Then all the tribes of Israel came to David in Hebron, saying that the Lord said to thee… “Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and thou shall be prince over Israel”

The ancients also of Israel… made a league… before the Lord; and they anointed David to be king over Israel.

And the number of days that David abode, reigning in Hebron over the house of Juda, was seven years and six months. David was thirty years old when he began to reign all of Israel, and he reigned forty years.

And David dwelt in the castle, and called it, The city of David… and he went on prospering and growing up, and the Lord God of hosts was with him.

And David knew that the Lord had confirmed him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom over his people Israel.

And David took more concubines and wives of Jerusalem.., and there were born to David other sons also and daughters—Samua, Sobab, Nathan, Solomon, Jebagar, Elisua, Nepheg, Japhia, Elisama, Elioda, and Eliphaleth—eleven total here plus six sons in Hebron for a grand total of 17 children!

And David consulted the Lord, saying: Shall I go up to the Philistines? And wilt thou deliver them into my hand?

Lord said to David: Go up, for I will surely deliver the Philistines into thy hand.

And David consulted the Lord, saying: Shall I go up to the Philistines? And wilt thou deliver them into my hand?

Lord Answered David: Go not up against them, but fetch a compass behind them, and thou shalt come upon them over against the pear trees, then shalt thou join battle: for then will the Lord go out before thy face to strike the army of the Philistines.

David anointed to be King over Israel was now the father of 17 children!

Day 103: Reading The Bible with a TROML Perspective; David Anointed to be King over Israel.

Read and inspired by the Old Testament, The Second Book of Kings Chapters 1-5

Bible Notes:

This Book tells of King David’s reign. By many successful wars he consolidated his kingdom and made Jerusalem his capital. His serious sins endangered the kingdom; but after he had repented, he conquered his enemies.

2 Kings Chapter 1: David mourns for Saul and Jonathan; David kills the Amalecite who slew Saul; David’s lamentation for Saul and Jonathan.

Now it came to pass, after Saul was dead, that David returned from the slaughter of the Amalecites, and abode two days in Siceleg.

A man who came out of Saul’s camp… I am an Amalecite… So standing over him, I killed him: for I knew that he could not live after the fall: and I took the diadem that was on his head, and the bracelet that was on his arm, and have brought them hither to thee, my Lord.

And they mourned, and wept, and fasted until evening for Saul, and for Jonathan his son, and for the people of the Lord, and for the house of Israel, because they were fallen by the sword.

David: Why didst thou not fear to put out thy hand to kill the Lord’s anointed?

David, after his servant killed the son a stranger of Amalec: Thy blood be upon thy own head: for thy own mouth hath spoken against thee, saying: I have slain the Lord’s anointed.

David: “Consider, O Israel, for them that are dead, wounded on thy high places… the arrow of Jonathan never turned back, and the sword of Saul did not return empty. Saul and Jonathan, lovely, and comely in their life, even in death they were not divided; they were swifter than eagles, stronger than lions… I grieve for thee, my brother Jonathan; exceedingly beautiful, and amiable to me above the love of women. As the mother loveth her only son, so did I love thee.”

2 Kings Chapter 2: David anointed king of Juda; David blesses Jabes Galaad; Abner makes Isboseth king of Israel; Joab defeats Abner; Abner kills Asael; Abner and Joab make peace; Burial of Asael.

David consulted the Lord, saying, Shall I go up into one of the cities of Juda?

And the Lord said to him: “Go up.”

And David said: “Whither shall I go up?”

And the Lord answered him: “Into Hebron.”

And the men of Juda came, and anointed David there (in Hebron), to be king over the house of Juda.

And it was told David that the men of Jabes Galaad had buried Saul.

But Abner… general of Saul’s army, took Isboseth the son of Saul… and made him king over all Israel.

Isboseth the son of Saul was forty years old when he began to reign over Israel, and he reigned two years and only the house of Juda followed David.

And the number of days that David abode, reigning in Hebron over the house of Juda, was seven years and six months.

And Abner and the servants of Isboseth the son of Saul… And Joab… and the servants of David went out, and met them by the pool of Gabaon…and Abner said to Joab: Let the young men rise, and play before us… twelve in number… And every one catching his fellow by the head, thrust his sword into the side of his adversary, and they fell down together… And there was a very fierce battle that day; and Abner was put to flight, with the men of Israel, by the servants of David.

And there were the three sons of Sarvia there, Joab, and Abisai, and Asael was a most swift runner… and Asael pursued after Abner… And Abner struck him with his spear with a back stroke in the groin, and thrust him through, and he died upon the spot.

Abner cried out to Joab: Shall thy sword rage unto utter destruction? Knowest thou not that it is dangerous to drive people to despair?

Then Joab sounded the trumpet, and all the army stood still, and did not pursue after Israel any farther, nor fight any more.

But the servants of David had killed of Benjamin, and one of the men that were with Abner, three hundred and sixty, who all died.

2 Kings Chapter 3: David grows stronger; Sons born to David in Hebron; Isboseth and Abner quarrel; Abner offers to join David; David asks Isboseth to return Michol; Abner joins David; Joab warns David about Abner; Joab kills Abner; David curses Joab’s family; David mourns for Abner.

Now there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David: David prospering and growing always stronger and stronger, but the house of Saul decaying daily.

And six sons were born to David in Hebron—Amnon, Cheleah, Absalom, Adonias, Saphathia, and Jethraam.

Isboseth to Abner: Why didst thou go in to my father’s concubine?

Abner: as the Lord hath sworn to David, so I do to him…

And Isboseth could not answer him a word, because he feared him.

Abner to David: Make a league with me, and my hand shall be with thee: and I will bring all Israel to thee.

The Joab going out from David, stabbed Abner there in the groin, and he died, in revenge of the blood of Asael his brother.

David: I, and my kingdom are innocent before the Lord for ever of the blood of Abner… but as men fall before the children of iniquity, so didst thou fall.

And all the people, and all Israel understood that day that it was not the king’s doing that Abner… was slain.

2 Kings Chapter 4: Assassination of Isboseth; The head of Isboseth brought to David; The assassins are executed.

Rechad and Baana his brother stabbed Isboseth in the groin and fled away… they struck him and killed him: and taking away his head they went off by the way of the wilderness, walking all night.

But David answered the assassins: …when wicked men have slain an innocent man in his own house, upon his bed, shall I not require his blood at your hand, and take you away from the earth?

And David commanded his servants and slew them…

2 Kings Chapter 5: David becomes king of all Israel; David reigns forty years; David captures Jerusalem; A house is built for David; Sons born to David in Jerusalem; David defeats the Philistines; David again defeats the Philistines.

Then all the tribes of Israel came to David in Hebron, saying that the Lord said to thee… “Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and thou shall be prince over Israel”

The ancients also of Israel… made a league… before the Lord; and they anointed David to be king over Israel.

David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years.

And David dwelt in the castle, and called it, The city of David… and he went on prospering and growing up, and the Lord God of hosts was with him.

And David knew that the Lord had confirmed him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom over his people Israel.

And David took more concubines and wives of Jerusalem.., and there were born to David other sons also and daughters—Samua, Sobab, Nathan, Solomon, Jebagar, Elisua, Nepheg, Japhia, Elisama, Elioda, and Eliphaleth—eleven total here plus six sons in Hebron for a grand total of 17 children!

And David consulted the Lord, saying: Shall I go up to the Philistines? And wilt thou deliver them into my hand?

Lord said to David: Go up, for I will surely deliver the Philistines into thy hand.

And David consulted the Lord, saying: Shall I go up to the Philistines? And wilt thou deliver them into my hand?

Lord Answered David: Go not up against them, but fetch a compass behind them, and thou shalt come upon them over against the pear trees, then shalt thou join battle: for then will the Lord go out before thy face to strike the army of the Philistines.

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